HAB Day Centre is committed to providing essential and practical services and support to homeless individuals in our community. From January to November 2023, we offered various services to over 700 people. This report provides an overview of the services utilised by our clients, offering helpful insights into the impact and scope of our work.

Hot food:

Approximately 85% of our clients use our hot food services regularly, benefiting from meals that help meet their basic nutritional needs.

Laundry facilities:

60% of our clients take advantage of our laundry facilities, allowing them to maintain personal hygiene and dignity.

Clothing distribution:

Nearly 70% of individuals access our clothing distribution services, receiving clean and weather-appropriate clothing to ensure their comfort and well-being.

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External services:

External services such as drug and alcohol support are accessed by about 45% of our clients, reflecting the importance of addressing addiction issues among the homeless population.


Approximately 1 in 4 clients seek counselling services, highlighting the need for mental health support and the impact of trauma experienced by those experiencing homelessness.

Advice and signposting:

Over 95% of individuals benefit from our advice and signposting services, which guide them toward housing options, employment opportunities, and other resources.

Impact of fundraising efforts:

In addition to the critical services we provide, we are proud to report that our fundraising efforts have been incredibly successful. Through events like the Harvest Festival, Halloween Quiz, and various other initiatives, we have raised thousands of pounds in financial donations. These funds have been instrumental in sustaining and expanding our services to better serve the homeless population.