13 November 2021

The pandemic has been a catalyst for even closer working with HAB’s long-standing partner charity Together in Barnet (TIB). 

TiB Co-Chair Darren Haringman said: “We have built on this collaboration in new ways to further help the people our two organisations support.”

TIB ran the only winter night shelter in Barnet offering emergency accommodation to men and women and taking referrals directly from HAB. 

This was forced to close due to the pandemic. Fortunately, TIB were able to open a 16 bed, 24/7 project in a local hotel in January 2021 which ran until June. They are due to open the hotel again in October.

However, since April 2020, in conjunction with HAB, they have been coordinating teams of volunteers delivering essential food parcels to clients in temporary accommodation. 

These deliveries are on‑going and volunteers are still needed. If you are interested in helping, contact Amanda at [email protected]

Visit togetherinbarnet.org to find out more about how they support the homeless and vulnerably housed of Barnet

Support our work

If you'd like to support the work of HAB and TiB, please consider giving to our joint winter appeal

Find out more about the HAB & TiB joint Winter Appeal 2021

Autumn Newsletter 2021

The Satisfaction of Volunteering

Dark days now leading to a bright future

Providing a pathway out of homelessness

Future fundraising

HAB helps dreams come true

On board with Marian and Sameer